15 Best Acted Scenes In MCU Movies

10. Black Widow Interrogating Loki - The Avengers

 The Avengers Loki
Marvel Studios

With the MCU having such a star-studded cast, it’s understandable that some dynamic character interactions are missed out on – otherwise, the whole movie would just be different character combinations interacting.

That said, thank every deity imaginable this was not true for the interrogation scene between Black Widow and Loki in the first Avengers film. The actors do an almost mesmerising job of working off of one another, with Widow’s cold and closed tones making Loki’s gleeful maliciousness seem all the more menacing. It's not a combination of characters you'd initially think would work well - but by the time the scene ends, you almost want a buddy cop film between the two.

The ‘reveal’ of Widow purposefully winding up Loki to discover his plan is also done so convincingly that for many it likely takes a couple seconds to sink in – the beauty of an actor acting a character acting, we suppose.


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