15 Best Alien Movie Deaths

2. Captain Dallas (Alien)

Alien 3 Ripley
20th Century Fox

We all know Ripley as the ultimate take-action badass heroine, but it was the unexpectedly early downfall of Captain Dallas that served to propel her into the central role of command and authority that she maintains for the duration of the saga.

With the infinitely dangerous and elusive alien somewhere aboard the dark, sparsely populated Nostromo, it’s up to the courageous leader of the ship to delve into the pitch-black vents to mount a search, armed with a flamethrower to combat both the lack of light and the threat of the unseen creature, getting closer and closer with every breath.

The shot of the alien, suddenly lit up as though by a bolt of lightning, reaching with outstretched limbs from the bowels of darkness to take Dallas is one fans will remember whenever they find themselves in a dark, enclosed space.

While the Director’s Cut clarifies that Dallas technically doesn’t meet his demise until Ripley discovers his cocooned body begging for death, the vent scene is even more effective and iconic in marking the end of the noble captain. No blood, no Dallas.


Chest thumping James Bond and Haruki Murakami fanatic living in China. Once had a fever dream about riding a rowboat with Davos Seaworth. He hasn't updated this section since Game of Thrones was cool, and boy does it show.