15 Best Alien Movie Deaths

14. Dr. Gediman (Alien: Resurrection)

Alien 3 Ripley
20th Century Fox

As a whole, the fourth film in the franchise returned the series to its viscerally macabre body horror roots, as opposed to its immediate predecessor’s somewhat bog standard slasher focus. There are few better examples of this than the messy demise of one Dr. Gediman, who'd so adored the creatures he’d studied.

Ostensibly prepared as a birthday present for the Queen’s miraculous albino Newborn, the alarmingly excited Gediman seems to consider it an honour just to witness the birth. His incessant crooning of the “beautiful butterfly” that emerges from the Queen’s womb is ghastly to behold, as Gediman coos over the rather disgusting abomination before him.

Here’s a real nightmare scenario: imagine being cocooned between Gediman and Private Hudson from Aliens. Between the former babbling about the precious babies growing inside you and the latter constantly screaming that you’re all doomed, you’d beg for the sweet release of your chest bursting.

Gediman himself doesn’t suffer that traditional fate however, instead serving as one of the first victims of the Newborn, who promptly makes a snack of the good doctor’s skull. Perhaps it was just as sick of Gediman’s raving as the rest of us.


Chest thumping James Bond and Haruki Murakami fanatic living in China. Once had a fever dream about riding a rowboat with Davos Seaworth. He hasn't updated this section since Game of Thrones was cool, and boy does it show.