15 Best Comic Book Movie Moments Of 2016

13. Wolverine's Cameo - X-Men: Apocalypse

Captain America Civil War Giant Man Black Panther

The latest X-Men movie had a ton of problems, but an easy highlight was the wildly unnecessary yet totally crowd-pleasing Wolverine cameo.

After William Stryker captures Raven, Moira, Hank, and Peter, the remaining mutants (Scott, Jean, and Nightcrawler) mount a rescue mission to retrieve them from Stryker's compound.

The three heroes find themselves cornered by Stryker's men, so Jean decides to open a container, unleashing Weapon X aka Wolverine.

The guards open fire, but of course, Wolverine slaughters them all and runs through the facility murdering anyone who gets in his way. He eventually meets up with Jean, who restores some of his memories before he runs off into the snowy wilderness.

It's a shame Fox couldn't resist spoiling the cameo in trailers ahead of time, but it was still awesome to see Hugh Jackman wearing the iconic Weapon X helmet from the comics and going on a huge killing spree.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.