15 Best Feel Good Sci-Fi Movies

4. The Fifth Element

8 Ways The Martian Shows Hollywood How To Do Science Right
Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

Lucy director and all-round Eurotrash action hero Luc Besson split audiences with this surreal sci-fi comedy adventure when it hit screens in 1997.

Following Bruce Willis’ beleaguered cab driver and Mila Jovovich as the mysterious girl who literally drops into his taxi and leads him on a madcap adventure to collect a quartet of mcguffins and save the earth, this campy flick is impossible to take seriously but equally impossible to resist for fans of silly, fast paced sci-fi adventures.

Yes, it’s a little long and we have no idea why anyone would keep Chris Tucker’s character in the final cut, but Gary Oldman makes for an all-time great villain and the film moves at enough of a clip to justify its all-but-impossible-to-understand plot.

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The Martian
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