15 Best Feel Good Sci-Fi Movies

1. Bill And Ted’s Excellent Adventure

8 Ways The Martian Shows Hollywood How To Do Science Right
Orion Pictures

As a most excellent addition to the sci-fi comedy action adventure subgenre, there was no way we could leave Bill and Ted off this list. We recently defended this flick’s follow up in an article about underrated sci-fi sequels, but nothing can beat the original time travelling slacker comedy for pure unadulterated dumb fun.

Following the eponymous duo as they go above and beyond for a history project by bringing the subjects of their study into modern day California, this breezy and self-consciously silly teen comedy is one of the eighties’ funniest and most feelgood sci-fi efforts and is well worth a re-watch for fans of Wayne’s World and Back to the Future alike.

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The Martian
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