15 Best Movie Deaths Of 2016

6. Deadpool – Three Guys, One Bullet

Greasy Strangler
20th Century Fox

When it comes to comic book movies, we’re usually spoilt for choice with death scenes and Deadpool is no different. In fact, in one of its very first scenes featuring a blisteringly brilliant freeway chase the titular anti-superhero dispatches just shy of twenty dudes in the space of just a few minutes and its that death rich scene that treats us to the best death, or rather deaths, in the movie.

After spotting his mortal enemy Ajax’s crew cruising down the freeway, Deadpool leaps from a bridge conveniently landing inside one of the entourage’s car where he begins dispatching them through a whole range of inventive means (decapitation by motorcycle chain being a highlight). When the chase finally comes to a halt, Deadpool realises he only has twelve bullets to take down a lot more than twelve thugs. No matter though, because the ever-resourceful Deadpool uses his final bullet to take down not one, not two, but three guys in one craftily timed shot.

Gory, funny and gratuitously violent just like the rest of the movie.

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