15 Best Movies Of 2019 (So Far)

4. Paddleton

Paddleton Mark Duplass Ray Romano

Netflix's output this year has been a bit of a mixed bag, but their best was easily one of the most profound, touching and devastating movies of the entire year. Hell, maybe even the decade.

Paddleton had a running start thanks to the casting of Ray Romano and Mark Duplass as a pair of long-time best friends who together deal with a fatal diagnosis of cancer and Duplass' decision to end his life to pre-empt any suffering. But instead of this being a hand-wringing journey to moralise the right to die, it's a quiet, intoxicating meditation on life and friendship.

There's no romanticism either: it's a fairly stark but deeply charming story of two people unified by this awful, impending thing and their attempts to hastily to get through what amounts to a bucket-list. It's bound to be sad, obviously, but by the end, you feel something like you've had your soul wrung out.



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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3