15 Best Movies Of 2020 (So Far)

3. Vivarium

Harley Quinn Birds Of Prey
Fantastic Films

A horror movie/ social satire/ sci fi nightmare, Vivarium wears many hats without fitting one genre descriptor neatly.

It's apt, as the film sees young bickering couple Jesse Eisenberg (where has he been?) and Imogen Poots (returning to her Green Room genre heroine glory days after the misstep of 2019's Black Christmas remake) forced to conform to a suburban lifestyle which makes the town of Stepford look like Bedford Falls.

As they become trapped in an increasingly surreal and borderline Lovecraftian suburban development, the film uses all sorts of Lynchian motifs to frame its sharp commentary on consumerism, social norms, and the nuclear family.

But don't worry, you'll be too busy having nightmares to write a thesis on this one.


Cathal Gunning hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.