15 Best Scientists In The MCU

13. Samuels Sterns

Iron man 2 Tony Stark
Marvel Studios

The Incredible Hulk may not be the most memorable film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but fans haven't forgotten about Dr. Samuel Sterns. Although only in one film for one scene, Sterns packed in an incredible amount of science.

Using the alias Mr. Blue, Sterns is works with Bruce Banner to try to cure him of his Hulk affliction. Sterns is actually successful in developing a temporary fix for his Hulk problem, but the two don't see eye-to-eye when it comes to the applications of Banner's blood. Sterns may have been well meaning, but didn't appreciate the dangers of his work at the time.

He soon would. Emil Blonsky forces the biologist to inject him with Banner's blood, creating the Abomination. Some of the remaining blood drips onto Sterns, alluding to his supervillain alter-ego The Leader.

Even after such a hint of foreshadowing, we haven't seen anymore of Sterns since. If we ever got to see Sterns as The Leader, he would surely place higher on this list. In a world in which we get another Hulk movie we just might. It isn't likely, but never say never, right?

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