15 Best Supporting Characters In Sci-Fi Movies

1. Leeloo – The Fifth Element

Vasquez Aliens
Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

Leeloo is the driving force behind the plot of 1997's The Fifth Element, given that she is the living embodiment of the titular element.

It turns out that she is one of the Supreme Beings, sent to Earth in human form to become the Fifth Element, part of a weapon which will destroy the Great Evil. If that description doesn't give you nerd goosebumps, then nothing will.

At first unable to communicate with humans, we watch as Leeloo stumbles across Korben Dallas, a taxi driver, who takes her to priest Vito Cornelius.

Leeloo possess superhuman strength, an impressive resistance to physical damage, incredible reflexes and agility, and a brain so powerful that she learns 5000 years of history in a matter of days.

Despite being vastly more powerful than everyone she encounters, Leeloo is compassionate and completely horrified with the violence humans inflict on one another.

There's a child-like innocence about Leeloo that, when combined with her cat-like predatory attributes, makes her impossibly lovable and unforgettable.

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Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.