15 Biggest Guilty Pleasure Movies Of 2018

12. The Spy Who Dumped Me

The Spy Who Dumped Me Mila Kunis Kate McKinnon

Kate McKinnon is the reason to watch this fundamentally naff yet trashily entertaining spy comedy, paired opposite an aloof Mila Kunis as two regular women who find themselves embroiled in a most unlikely espionage plot.

In addition to McKinnon's rat-a-tat energy, this might be the best-directed action comedy of the last few years: director Susanna Fogel's camera set-ups are ambitiously cinematic for a movie written with this little imagination.

The result is a peculiar film that's more memorable than you'd reasonably expect, even if it'd be precious little without its barmy leading lady.

"Best" Moment: After Audrey's (Kunis) spy boyfriend Drew (Justin Theroux) is killed off in the first act of the movie, he's inevitably revealed to be the big bad villain at the end, having faked his death...for reasons that don't really make sense to anyone.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.