15 Bravest Creative Decisions In Comic Book Movie History

1. Ben Affleck As Batman - Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice

Last summer, the shock announcement of a Batman vs. Superman movie was followed-up by the even more jaw-dropping revelation that the new Batman was going to be played by...Ben Affleck. Cue an Internet meltdown and a massive collective groan from comic book fans everywhere: after all, how could the guy who ruined Daredevil be any good as the Caped Crusader? Affleck may have made a great career for himself as a director, but he's never exactly been singled out as a particularly skilled actor, and after failing as a superhero once, what could possibly possess him to get back in the saddle, especially after Christian Bale's excellent rendition of the character? Did It Work? We'll have to wait and see. The single official image released of Affleck in the Batsuit looks, frankly, awesome, and gives us plenty of hope that Affleck's version of the character will simply be something very different from what we've seen before. If Affleck can figure out a Bat-voice that doesn't sound totally ridiculous, then there's even the potential for him to out-Batman Bale, though there are admittedly few expectations that Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice will be able to measure up to Nolan's vision of the character. What's your take on these brave comic book movie choices? Let us know in the comments!

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.