15 Break-Out Film Actors Who Ruled 2012

9. Ezra Miller

Ezra Miller With the haunting and quiet title role in We Need to Talk about Kevin (one of 2011€™s best films), Ezra Miller made everyone take notice and say €œwe need to talk about Ezra€ (sorry for that line, but it practically wrote itself). Though because hardly anyone saw that film (c€™mon people, get it together), Miller had to turn in another great performance to get the notice he deserves. Thankfully, his opportunity came only a year later with the long-awaited film adaptation of the acclaimed young adult novel The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Bringing the necessary heart and humor to an incredibly complex role for a young actor, Ezra Miller firmly placed his name among the best young talent in Hollywood. What€™s Next: The role of Leon in Madame Bovary w/ Mia Wasikowska, Paul Giamatti, & Rhys Ifans.

Chris lives in New Orleans. He writes for several local publications and national websites - mostly about film, television, books, music, food, special events, and pop culture. Since writing unfortunately never pays much, he pays the bills with his day job in marketing.