15 Classic Things Most Modern Movies Are Missing

11. Good Roles For Robert De Niro & Al Pacino

In the 1970s and 80s in particular, Robert De Niro and Al Pacino were absolutely untouchable performers: they routinely delivered excellent performances in daring, imaginative projects, though in the last decade especially, they've not really contributed much of interest to the art of cinema. De Niro at least earned himself a Best Supporting Actor Oscar nod for 2012's Silver Linings Playboook (his first nomination in over 20 years), while Pacino hasn't had a nomination since 1993, and is these days known best to an entire generation for starring in the likes of...Adam Sandler's Jack and Jill. These guys clearly haven't totally lost their luster for acting, yet why are they not starring in more worthy projects? They seem to get offered far too much tripe that shouldn't even be in cinemas (Righteous Kill, anyone?), and so many great hard-boiled thrillers and dramas have passed the pair by that they clearly should have been offered. Unless, perhaps, the pair are simply content to work for the quick money roles these days, happy with the body of work they amassed in their younger days? Can It Make A Comeback?: Most film lovers are always going to have time for these two, no matter how badly they embarrass themselves. It's probably not very realistic to expect either of them to enjoy a Matthew McConaughey-esque resurgence, especially considering their ages, but it's certainly possible that either could surprise viewers with a string of critically-acclaimed, artistically worthy projects, though perhaps don't hold your breath.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.