15 Comic Book Movie Deaths That Didn't Last

5. Bucky & Cap - Captain America: The First Avenger

Causes Of Death: Being flung from a train, and frozen respectively.

Sergeant James Bucky Buchanan is presumed dead on two separate occasions in the first Captain America movie: the first time when his unit disappears during a battle against Red Skull's forces and Captain America rescues him, and then when another mission against Schmidt's forces ends with him being flung from a train to an icey death.

The second time, Cap just accepts the death, since there's no way anyone could have survived the fall, but gets a shock when his former best friend turns up as a super-soldier assassin in the service of HYDRA in the sequel, very much alive and well.

The Science Behind The Revival

Since Arnim Zola was capable of building a super computer and transplanting himself into it without too much fuss, it should come as no surprise that he also has surgeons and scientists in his employ who are able to scoop fallen soldiers up and heal their many injuries from being hurled from a train to turn them into a super soldier.

Which is precisely what he did to Bucky, reinventing him as the Winter Soldier, rather than just starting with someone whose bones were all still intact, for some reason.

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