15 Comic Book Movie Deaths That Didn't Last

6. Catwoman - Batman Returns/Catwoman

Michelle Pfeiffer Catwoman Batman Returns
Warner Bros.

Cause Of Death: Really bad career choices.

Two separate movies have reinvented Catwoman's back-story from a hard-knocked kid from the streets who is inspired to fight by Batman and her mistreatment to a put-upon underling of shady corporate organisations who ends up being killed after learning a little too much of the truth.

In both cases, the character who will become the Cat ends up being killed by her boss (she is at least ordered to die by her boss in the odious Catwoman spin-off) before being supernaturally reanimated to become the ambiguous anti-hero with a penchant for kitties, leather and rubber.

The Science Behind The Revival

In Batman Returns, Kyle is literally licked back to life by a clowder of alley cats. She definitely dies, because the revival miraculously removes the effect of the fall from Max Shreck's office window, a sure-fire sign of supernatural involvement.

Meanwhile, in Catwoman, after being drowned, new Catwoman Patience Phillips - basically Selina Kyle by another name - is mysteriously revived by an Egyptian Mau cat, which gives her cat-like abilities and an insatiable desire for vengeance. Clearly, someone at Warner Bros believes cats are basically Gods.

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