15 Comic Book Movie Deaths That Didn't Last

13. Elektra - Daredevil

Cause Of Death: Gutting.

When attempting to take out Daredevil for the death of her father - which was actually carried out by Bullseye - Elektra runs into the Irish hitman and foolishly thinks that her training will be enough to best him.

It isn't and she is rather sadistically killed, getting stabbed multiple times, basically gutted, and then thrown off a roof for good measure, but not before Bullseye gives her a symbolic final kiss (which only made it into the Director's Cut).

Having vowed to look her father's killer in the eyes, she grimly realises her desire, but spends most of the second half of the film dead, before revealing that she's actually been alive all along by leaving a necklace on the rooftop she first met Daredevil, with a message in brail for him.

The Science Behind The Revival

She was revived by a magical blind man, obviously. To be precise, she is brought back by Stick (Terrence Stamp) for her own spin-off movie that nobody wanted in the first place. In a fairly pig-headed example of how little she learned from her death, Elektra then goes on to become a contract killer.

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