15 Comic Book Movie Deaths That Didn't Last

12. Allan Quatermain - The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen

Allan Quatermain League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen Sean Connery
20th Century Fox

Cause Of Death: Stabbed to death by Moriarty (whose assumed death also didn't last.)

When Quatermain and young side-kick Tom Sawyer unite to take down the mysterious M - revealed to be Professor Moriarty - he lets down his guard for just too long and is fatally stabbed, before symbolically handing over the heroic reigns to Sawyer who kills Moriarty. To prove just how dead he is, he's then buried in Kenya beside his son.

The Science Behind The Revival

Like Elektra, Quatermain is revived by magic - or that's the suggestion anyway as it is handily revealed after his burial that Quatermain was told by a witch doctor that he would never be allowed to die while he was in Africa, after saving his village.

Everyone wanders away wistfully and obviously said witch doctor arrives, performs a ritual and the grave is stuck by lightning, suggesting either that the hero is alive (as was intended for the most ill-conceived sequel set-up ever) or Connery was about to re-enact Michael Jackson's Thriller video, which would have been far more enjoyable.

Sadly, Sean Connery's career wasn't given a similar shot in the arm, and this messy epic remains the full-stop on a career that mostly deserved a lot more.

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