15 Controversial Movies That Actually Live Up To The Hype

4. Borat

Borat Sacha Baron Cohen
20th Century Fox

The Film:

One of the most famous comedies of recent times, this has Sacha Baron Cohen playing an outrageous Kazakh journalist and going around America interacting with unsuspecting Americans on camera. You won't believe the amount of stuff Cohen puts himself through for the sake of the film.

The Controversy:

This offended nearly everyone in some way. Nearly every country in the Arab world banned the film, while the various people who interacted with Borat (and usually looked like complete fools) were absolutely furious. Some of the participants even sued.

As for Kazakhstan itself, they just encouraged theaters not to show the film.

Why It Was Right:

Borat is the kind of film that will shock everybody. Borat and the Americans featured constantly make racist, sexist and antisemitic remarks while the style of comedy this movie contains could easily be - and has been - seen as unethical.

Therefore, it does live up to the hype. It is a good film; the comedy feels a tiny bit hit and miss nowadays but the film is thought-provoking and Sacha Baron Cohen is outstanding in the title role. At the same time, It's a very specific type of humor which some will find funny, but others will find repulsive, so it's a film built to divide.

It will offend you and there's no getting around that.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.