15 Controversial Movies That Actually Live Up To The Hype

13. Battle Royale

Borat Sacha Baron Cohen

The Film:

This is the movie The Hunger Games has been accused of ripping off. A class of Japanese students is forced to kill each other on an island. Think Hunger Games, take away the dystopia, move it to Japan, stamp an 18 certificate on it and you've got Battle Royale. It's a very fine film as well and another testament to the brilliance of Japanese cinema.


This has faced bans in places and has been highly controversial due to the violence and dark themes, especially in Japan itself. The American release was delayed, probably because of the Columbine High School Massacre.

Why It Was Right:

Unlike The Hunger Games, this actually deserved all the controversy since it's far gorier and nastier. Battle Royale appears to be set in something closer to the present, the inventors of the game are a modern government and the kids are younger than many of the participants of The Hunger Games, so it feels more realistic where The Hunger Games is clearly a fantasy.

An ultra-violent and tragic depiction of kids killing kids that'll make many lose faith in governments, children and human nature itself, this could be the most nightmarish depiction of young savagery since Lord of the Flies. Especially in this era of school shootings, it remains a very disturbing film and is a typically jolting work of extreme Japanese cinema.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.