15 Controversial Movies That Actually Live Up To The Hype

12. Psycho

Borat Sacha Baron Cohen
Paramount Pictures

The Film:

Surely this one needs no introduction?

The Controversy:

Mainstream cinema hadn't ever really experienced this level of violence, terror or had conventions and taboos shattered in this way before. It's also the first time a toilet flushed on-screen.

Why It Was Right:

Psycho is nearly 60 years old, yet it has aged better than a large number of films from the last 20 years. Time has been exceptionally kind to Alfred Hitchcock's masterpiece.

While an unmarried couple in bed, a toilet flushing and the relatively tame violence (by today's standards) aren't shocking anymore, everything else about this is still startlingly disturbing. Thanks to the agonizing suspense, jolting shocks, brilliantly-constructed narrative and unforgettably bleak atmosphere this is still one of the most disturbing and frightening films the world has ever seen.

Thus, Psycho fully lives up to the hype since it will still leave you hiding behind the sofa after all these years. Given how much power the film still holds, just how the audiences of 1960 must have felt watching it is unimaginable.

It truly deserves all the hype and remains one of the best horror films of all time.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.