15 Crazy Facts You Just Have To Accept To Enjoy The Dark Knight Trilogy

5. Bruce Saved Joffrey Baratheon's Life (Batman Begins)

Alright, so this one's just a joke, but still, did you realise that Joffrey Baratheon himself, Jack Gleeson, appears in Batman Begins? When all hell is breaking loose in the Narrows, there's a brief scene with a young child, who Batman ends up saving just before a group of hallucinating manics turns him and Rachel into Swiss cheese. It's a brief part, though stuck in the minds of many at the time, who thought that Gleeson may have been playing a young Robin, who might appear in future movies. Considering the total needlessness of the role, it was a solid theory, but Gleeson instead went on to play Joffrey in Game of Thrones, which to an extent has completely ruined this scene in Batman Begins. Rewatching the movie in a post-Joffrey context, it's just impossible to take seriously, because Gleeson has done such a bang-up job playing the series' most detestable character, and there's the not-so-secret thought that Bats should've just let him die.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.