15 Crazy Facts You Just Have To Accept To Enjoy The Dark Knight Trilogy

8. Batman Frequently Breaks His No-Kill Rule

Batman's no-kill policy is a moral imperative that defines him as a superhero, but it's also a stupidly black-and-white carryover from the comic source material that doesn't really hold water in the more realistic, contemporary setting of The Dark Knight trilogy. Nevertheless, Nolan still made the rule a big part of his movies, despite the fact that Bruce Wayne clearly kills a number of people throughout them: a) when he blows up the League of Shadows' HQ, b) he "doesn't save" Ra's on the train, which is pretty much killing him, c) in The Dark Knight, he shoots a number of parked cars with the Batpod, which could easily have people or animals in them, d) he kills Dent, even if it's necessary to save Gordon's son and e) he blows up Talia's stolen Tumbler, which while necessary to stop the bomb, directly causes her to crash the vehicle and die. One can't help but wish that someone in these movies (most likely The Joker or Bane) would have mocked Batman for the looseness of his rule, and how silly a rule it is to have in the real world anyway, because it would at least concede Nolan's awareness at how frequently Batman betrays his one big guiding objective.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.