15 Deeply Tasteless Films That Will Offend Everyone

6. Pain & Gain

Movie 43 Hugh Jackman
Paramount Pictures

Pain and Gain takes a true-life crime story (about some bodybuilders who kidnapped and murdered people for their money) and turns it into a dark comedy, with the criminals presented as semi-likable. If it'd been handed to someone who could pull this tricky tonal juggling act off, it might've worked but unfortunately, this was handed to Michael Bay and the results were hideous.

Even when watching while unaware of the true story, this is still hugely nasty. The film stars a bunch of horrendous murderers, but it largely glamorizes them and treats the entire horrific ordeal as humorous entertainment filmed with stylized aesthetic visuals. The film was claimed to be satirical, but the film's excessive violence and glamorization of said violence make it glorification, not satire. To make matters worse, like always with Bay, there's a ton of misogyny as well.

If you know the real-life story, the film becomes even worse. By presenting the victims as unlikable and the criminals, who were sadistic psychopaths in real life, as silly goofballs, this is a completely disrespectful take on a nasty true story. The victims and their family members were enormously offended by the movie and who can blame them?

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Movie 43
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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.