15 Deeply Tasteless Films That Will Offend Everyone

7. Disaster Movie

Movie 43 Hugh Jackman

All the Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer spoofs are terrible and repulsive, but Disaster Movie is the nadir of their filmography by some distance. As always with this dreadful pair of directors, Disaster Movie is not only completely unfunny and one of the worst films ever made (something nearly everyone who's seen it agrees on), but it's also utterly disgusting.

This is more or less a who's who of offensive material. There's plenty of sexism and homophobia, every non-white character is a racial stereotype and the majority of the bodily function gags, such as Juney (Juno) having a disgusting fight with the Sex and the City women, are completely revolting. The film's also far too mean-spirited for its own good.

Worst of all, this mixes all this vulgar humor with beloved pop culture icons. With the princess from Enchanted being a drug-addicted homeless hooker who's actually a dude, Indiana Jones being an inappropriate dwarf who gropes the female lead and even a brief scene in which Michael Jackson is seen with a child in a car trunk, Disaster Movie is so unpleasant it will make you think longingly of having your head shoved down a toilet.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.