15 Depraved Movies That Are Incredibly Difficult To Watch

14. Baise-Moi

If you've ever wondered what Thelma And Louise might look like reimagined as an exercise in "Extreme Cinema" then look no further than Virginie Despentes and Coralie Trinh Thi's Baise-Moi. Here, violence and sex are virtually indistinguisable from one another. Two women - one a sex worker the other an amoral layabout - find themselves caught up in a world in which nothing holds any value, not least human life, and after a gang rape they set out on a killing spree to end all killing sprees. The content is graphic throughout, although any suggestion that the filmmakers are striving to make an observation on the role of feminism in violent cinema is generally drowned out by the incessantly nasty material. Still, Baise Moi can be said to have triggered the wave of New French Extremity and paved the way for better examples of Gallic gorefests, even if this is a thinly veiled porno movie dressed up as transgressive arthouse fodder.
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