15 Depraved Movies That Are Incredibly Difficult To Watch

8. New York Ripper

Remember when Lucio Fulci made that hilarious family-friendly comedy? Of course you don't - when he wasn't putting his own surrealist slant on the zombie horror genre he was making films like The New York Ripper, one of the few Fulci movies which remains heavily censored in many countries to this day. The similarities with London's very own Jack the Ripper are clear in The New York Ripper, in which a sadistic serial killer slaughters prostitutes by slashing them to pieces and eviscerating them while they are still alive. Seedy live sex theatres and S&M parlours are the setting for much of Fulci's movie - this makes Abel Ferrara's The Bad Lieutenant look more akin to Woody Allen's picture postcard vision of the Big Apple. Fulci has never been the most subtle of filmmakers but The New York Ripper is undoubtedly one of his most depraved movies - such a shame that it really isn't all that good, and even hardcore horror fans might bemoan the lack of anything of substance, saying very little of interest about the misogynistic psychopath it focuses on.
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Sweet Movie
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