15 Devastating Pixar Movie Moments That Made You Cry

5. Sully Says Goodbye - Monsters Inc

Monsters Inc Sully Boo
Disney Pixar

Once more, the most emotional moment in Monsters Inc is framed around the apparent end of a very close friendship. After we've watched Sully and Boo grow into a sort of father/daughter dynamic, the end of the film sees the inevitable realisation that the little girl has to return home - with the added kicker that Sully will never be able to visit her.

Sully understands, of course, but the real pain comes in watching little Boo not comprehend why her beloved new friend seems to be abandoning her. Though it's the sensible thing, she's essentially forced to go through the same fear that drives the entire Toy Story franchise, and she's not even old enough to talk properly. Harsh.

It's almost matched by the very end of the film when Mike reveals he retrieved every splinter of her door and Sully goes through it to be greeted with an ecstatic "KITTY!"

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