15 Devastating Pixar Movie Moments That Made You Cry

3. Carl & Ellie Lose The Baby - Up

Up Doctor Scene
Disney Pixar

The infamous opening montage of Carl and Ellie is another of Pixar's trademark emotional rollercoasters, in which we watch love blossom between the pair and their dreams laid out as Thomas Newman's delightful music bounces along to their happy melody.

But just as quickly as we see Ellie reveal that she wants to have babies with Carl (lots and lots of babies, in fact), the montage takes its first crushing swerve, taking them to a darkly lit corridor outside of a doctor's office where they're told they've lost not only their baby but the dream of ever having them.

While they refocus their dreams, that moment - expertly crowned by the subtle restraint of Newman's music - is utterly devastating. Her broken figure sitting in the chair just burns itself into your psyche.

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