15 Devastating Pixar Movie Moments That Made You Cry

14. Coco Almost Forgets Her Papa - Coco

Coco Remember Me

When Inside Out came out, it looked like Pixar had peaked in terms of how much their movies could make us all cry, but then Coco came out and the whole thing cranked the water works up another level.

It's a stunningly intelligent portrait of love, family and - crucially - death, selling the importance of remembering your loved ones after they pass through a clever narrative conceit. And it all comes to a head at the very end when Coco herself begins to forget her father and he begins to fade from existence.

Watching her struggle to remember the small details of him she had held on to is heart-breaking - particularly because of Miguel's helpless reaction - but then seeing him play her the song her father wrote for her as a child is so wonderful it's impossible not to lose yourself to the moment.

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