15 Dumbest Things In The Worst Summer Movie Season Ever

14. The Token Chinese Characters - Independence Day: Resurgence

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Out Of The Shadows Krang

The belated ID4 sequel features two astoundingly token Chinese characters, by way of fighter pilot Rain (Angelababy) and her adoptive father Jiang Lo (Ng Chin Han), a General at an ESD Moon Base.

Why It's Dumb: Hollywood pandering to the lucrative Chinese market isn't exactly something new, but rarely has it been as blatant and patronising as it was here.

For starters, both of these characters are, well, non-characters. Probably their most distinctive traits, sadly, are that they're Chinese, as they get incredibly little to do throughout: Jiang is killed off after a few minutes of screen time, and Rain largely just blends into the background.

It's also distressingly clear that Angelababy has only been cast because she's one of China's most famous models, rather than for her acting chops. Her delivery of the line "Dinner first" after Charlie (Travis Tope) asks her out at the end of the movie is more painful than words can describe.

Sadly you can expect more nonsense like this in the coming years as the desire for more billion-dollar movies continues to grow.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.