The Synopsis - Nowadays we know them as Batman, Leonidas and the guy that seems to be in everything on the back of his career renaissance. Back in 2002, however, Christian Bale, Gerard Butler and Matthew McConaughey weren't exactly A-list material and were united in Reign Of Fire, a fantasy film set in 2020 Britain. Here, dragons have been reawakened for several years after spending several millenia in hibernation following their decimation of the dinosaurs, and the landscape is a post-Apocalypic one as a result. Brits Quinn (Bale) and Creedy (Butler) team up with American Van Zan (McConaughey) to hunt down and slay the beasts, hundreds of which have congregated in London. The Destruction - As the film is set in a post-Apocalyptic version of Britain, nearly every location that the heroes visit is a ruin, charred into ash. Most recognisable of course is the iconic London skyline, which has been all but completely decimated by the actions of the fiery dragons.