The Synopsis - As he is employed by MI6, the agency responsible for international espionage, as opposed to MI5 (the domestic equivalent), James Bond rarely operates inside his own capital city, typically visiting it only to recieve mission briefings and preferring tropical paradises and icy peaks to the wondrous sights of locales such as Peckham and Deptford. Much of Skyfall, the character's 23rd cinematic outing, is set within the confines of the M25, however, and pits Bond (Daniel Craig) and his superior M (Judi Dench) against Raoul Silva (Javier Bardem), a former operative who seeks vengeance in a matter of forms against his former employer. After Silva is captured in the Far East and brought to London, it transpires that being taken was part of his typical Bond Villain 'master plan', and he escapes in order to cause a large scale distraction and pursue M at a public inquiry and later at the Scottish estate of Bond's ancestors. The Destruction - One of Silva's first actions against M is the bombing of her office whilst she is not present within it. This results in a huge chunk being blown out of the side of MI6's iconic (and not so secret) Vauxhall Cross headquarters, which is later topped by him engineering the derailing of a London Underground train. Quite a bit of the city also takes a beating in The World Is Not Enough, Pierce Brosnan's third turn as Bond, where a long chase scene across the city sees the destruction of several Thames vessels and North Greenwich restaurant tables.