The Synopsis - After spending much of his first film in New Mexico and the bulk of The Avengers in New York City, Thor (Chris Hemsworth) begins his sequel in Asgard, where his brother Loki (Tom Hiddleston) has been imprisoned for war crimes. Though at first it seems that the nine realms have been pacified, a new threat emerges in the form of Malekith (Christopher Eccleston), a dark elf who wishes to take advantage of a phenomenon known as the Convergence and a MacGuffin called the Aether to destroy the universe and plunge it into perpetual darkness. Said aether comes into the hands of Jane Foster (Natalie Portman), Thor's love interest, resulting in her being pursued by Malekith, who eventually acquires the substance and travels to Greenwich, where the centre of the Convergence is set to take place. The Destruction - As mentioned above, Greenwich features in the film quite prominently, and Thor even manages to somehow get there from Charing Cross in just three stops at one point. The iconic Old Royal Naval College (ORNC) is at the centre of the action, and takes quite a beating as Thor and Malekith duke it out in a fight that also incorporates The Gherkin. The Shard is also seen briefly, though it remains intact.