15 French Horror Films You Won't Forget In A Hurry

10. Them (2006)

Them A mother and daughter have a car accident late at night in the countryside. The mother goes to check the engine and promptly disappears leaving the daughter to get out of the car and call for her. The daughter is frightened by a voice calling back to her, which is not her mother's. She gets into the car and tries her mobile phone but she is under attack from unknown assailants who strangle her. The story switches to Clémentine and her boyfriend Lucas. What begins as another innocuous evening descends into full on horror as they find themselves teased, taunted and threatened by a bunch of faceless teenage hooligans in hoodies. These hooligans flush them out into the surrounding woodlands and terrorise Clémentine and Lucas, who are trying their best to stay one step ahead of them. Them is a perfectly suspenseful horror film which achieves what it set out to achieve - namely, a gripping, on the edge of your seat escapade that possesses a fair amount of fright factor. I don't think it is a film you could watch over and over again, but as a horror flick it is near-perfect. Furthermore, the film does not rely on gore or gross acts of violence to derive fear from the audience. Instead, it provides pure atmosphere from beginning to end. Reportedly based on a true story, Them is a white knuckle ride that will play on your worst fears. After all, how many obnoxious, hooded, teenage boys hang around street corners in your town?

My first film watched was Carrie aged 2 on my dad's knee. Educated at The University of St Andrews and Trinity College Dublin. Fan of Arthouse, Exploitation, Horror, Euro Trash, Giallo, New French Extremism. Weaned at the bosom of a Russ Meyer starlet. The bleaker, artier or sleazier the better!