15 Gloriously Hammy Performances In Horror Movies

12. Marlon Brando - The Island Of Dr. Moreau (1996)

The Movie: After being rescued and brought to an island, a man discovers that its inhabitants are experimental animals being turned into strange looking humans, all of it the work of a visionary doctor. The Scenery-Chewing Performance: Director John Frankenheimer's adaption of H. G. Wells classic sci-fi novel is anchored by a post-prime Marlon Brando, giving a truly hilarious performance as the sadistic Moreau, a doc with a God complex and the hunkering to morph human DNA with that of animals. Young Brando first notably showed his scenery-chewing class in 1951€™s A Streetcar Named Desire, stealing every scene before it was cool to do so. However, he still managed to give a performance that was near flawless €“ he pulls it back when needed to create a genuinely believable character. It would take until Brando reached senior citizen status before he could fully unleash his true over-acting power.

Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at JarvisCity.com - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: JesseGumbarge@JarvisCity.com