15 Great Movies From The 2010s That Are Frustratingly Underrated

3. Spring Breakers

Suspiria 2018
Muse Productions

Plot: Four young women go on Spring Break and become involved with an eccentric gangster.

Spring Breakers is an amazing movie. While marketed as a shallow film about partying, this instead turned out to be one of the decade's greatest art-house films.

Visually flawless and brilliantly crafted, Spring Breakers delivers an ultra-cool yet unexpectedly haunting look at today's shallow, materialistic culture. It's unforgettable for numerous reasons.

These include: Harmony Korine's near-perfect visuals, its transgressive R-rated content, terrific against-type performances from James Franco and the four leads, the unexpected layers of pathos and nuance within the film and... the single worst, most unjust rating on all of IMDb.

Spring Breakers is rated 5.3, which is lower than Grown Ups 2. Just let that sink in. OK, fine, so the marketing was pretty misleading, but shouldn't a film be judged based on what it actually is, not what the marketing made it look like?

Having largely failed to connect with audiences, Spring Breakers has done better with critics, but the Rotten Tomatoes score of 67% still feels a bit low. Still, it's correctly acknowledged as a modern classic by some critics, so at least this is starting to get the appreciation it deserves.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.