15 Great Movies From The 2010s That Are Frustratingly Underrated

8. The Rider

Suspiria 2018
Sony Pictures Classics

Plot: A rodeo rider is advised to retire following a head injury, but struggles to leave his old life behind. This film is based on a true story and the people involved play themselves.

The Rider was easily one of 2018's finest films. An image-driven thematic meditation on American masculinity, The Rider is best-described as a cinematic poem and it's a great one at that.

It's visually stunning and highly expressive, which is enormously impressive considering that this was filmed on a shoestring budget, and it confirms director Chloe Zhao as a talent to watch. Casting the real-life people was a gamble, yet while this could've gone horribly wrong (15:17 to Paris, anyone?) this gamble actually paid off and all the actors are excellent.

Most impressively of all, despite being so subtle and low-key, The Rider hits with the force of a sledgehammer and will have quietly destroyed you by the end. A sad, poignant and emotional viewing, it's an excellent reminder that you don't need a big budget to make a great work of cinema.

Alas, once again, despite deservedly strong reviews, being a small indie film it flew under the radar for most viewers. What an enormous shame.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.