15 Greatest Death Scenes In The Saw Franchise

6. The Horsepower Trap (Saw 3D)

Saw 3D Garage Chester Bennington

Traps don't get much more ridiculous than the wildly over-the-top garage trap from Saw 3D, in which neo-Nazi Evan (played by the late Chester Bennington) and his racist pals wake up in an interconnected trap from which only Evan can free them.

For judging others by their skin colour his entire life, Evan has to "learn that we're all the same colour on the inside", by peeling his back away from the car seat to which it's glued in order to prevent a Rube Goldberg style of events that will kill him and his friends.

Evan makes a decent effort of it, peeling the majority of his back skin away, but sadly not enough to totally free himself, causing the car's jack to release, crashing it down on his girlfriend's face (which the car tire quickly turns to mush), before the car's movement rips off another pal's arms and jaw, crashes into another racist tied to the garage door, and as the car careens out of the garage, it crashes into another car, catapulting Evan through the windshield and killing him.

It's comically OTT and a little tough to watch in light of Bennington's death, but an undeniably gnarly and inventive sequence.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.