15 Greatest Death Scenes In The Saw Franchise

5. Lynn's Mind Gets Blown (Saw III)

Saw 3 Lynn Dead

Poor Lynn. As if losing her son and suffering through depression wasn't enough, she ends up in Jigsaw's game for dubious reasons, being forced to keep him alive or have her head blown off via an explosive collar locked around her neck.

Though Lynn manages to keep Jigsaw alive through her husband Jeff's tests, his decision to murder Jigsaw with a circular saw at the end of the film seals her fate, detonating her collar and reducing her face to a bloody stump.

To add insult to injury, Jeff then learns from Jigsaw's next tape that he has kidnapped Jeff and Lynn's daughter Corbett, and that her location would die with him. Brutal.

As far as characters who didn't really do anything to deserve their gratuitously awful fates go, Lynn is right at the top of the pile.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.