15 Greatest Death Scenes In The Saw Franchise

1. The Rack (Saw III)

Saw 3 Timothy

However, the most infamously unsettling death scene in the entire Saw franchise is the trap known as The Rack, and its mere mention will make fans' hair stand up on end.

The Rack sees poor Timothy, the man who killed Jeff's son in a car accident, locked into a contraption which can contort his limbs in extreme directions. Jeff can either let Timothy be tortured to death, or risk a shotgun blast in order to retrieve a key which would end the game.

The scene is slow-bled for maximum viewer agony, focusing on Timothy's suffering, until Jeff decides to try and retrieve the key. He eventually grabs it, and while leaning away from the shotgun, doesn't realise Judge Halden walking into the line of fire, who is killed.

Jeff finally attempts to use the key to save what remains of Timothy (it's not much), but it's too late, as Timothy's head has already been twisted all the way around, Exorcist style.

It may not be the most bloody death scene in the Saw series (though it's got plenty of that too), but in terms of pure visceral effect, it's the one to beat.

What are your favourite death scenes from the Saw franchise? Shout them out in the comments!

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.