3. Kick-Ass - Henry Jackman
LionsgateMark Millar's ultra-violent look into the world of superheroes is not without controversy, even so much as Jim Carrey distancing himself from the second film in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary shootings. But even so, one thing that the films excelled in was the music, which was often credited to a large number of different composers. Everyone from Danny Elfman to John Murphy got a hand in the Kick-Ass world, but it's Henry Jackman's main theme for the films that really stands out as a winner. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3NS9nkoKxo Though it initially starts as a theme for Kick-Ass himself, it eventually grows over the course of two films to represent the heroes in general. Its lifting sense of purpose drives a rock-tinged slant, connecting to the young, rebellious nature of the characters. It's exactly how you would expect a theme about real-world, teenage superheroes to sound. It showcases the inspirational climax of the second film, an honest look at heroism that is very pure, despite how savage the violence can get.