15 Greatest Opening Credit Sequences In Movies

14. Enter The Void

You can be forgiven for never having seen Enter the Void, but here's a friendly PSA that you really should. Written and directed by Gaspar Noe, it is an experimental art film which sees our protagonist suddenly killed. This shock twist is driven home by the fact that the rest of the film is shot from a first-person viewpoint, as the deceased character witnesses the events that followed his death in an out-of-body, ghost-like experience.

It's melodramatic, it's weird, and it's also absolutely brilliant. The bizarre and unique premise is solidified from the opening credits, where the names of the cast and crew are thrown at the audience with flashing lights, quick cuts and a simple but seriously eerie piece of music behind it. It's an onslaught, really, designed to discomfort and confuse, much like the rest of the film.

Referencing other films, shifting between fonts, and proving to be a nightmare for those adverse to flashing images and inconsistent typography, the opening sequence to Enter the Void is about as unique, strange and bizarre as it gets in the world of film.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.