15 Horror Movies You Really Shouldn't Watch Alone

5. Hush (2016)

Hush Horror

Mike Flanagan (Oculus) delivers a taut, inventive cult classic with this one-of-a-kind home invasion movie as a deaf woman (Flanagan's wife, Kate Siegel) faces off against a masked murderer (John Gallagher Jr.).

Flanagan makes the most of this set-up by immersing the audience in the protagonist's sound-free existence, creating a uniquely tense horror film that finds a different spin on the typical "cabin in the woods"-type premise.

Flanagan's resourceful direction combines with a fantastic performance by Siegel, who sells the abject terror of the scenario perfectly, and creates an easy-to-root-for protagonist.

A small movie that's perfect for viewing on your laptop when tucked up in bed, Hush will have you checking the locks on your doors and being enormously grateful for your own hearing faculties.

Above all else, it might make you think twice about leaving your headphones in when you head down to the fridge to make yourself a midnight snack.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.