15 Horror Movies You Really Shouldn't Watch Alone

6. Creep (2014)

Creep Movie
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment

An ambitious and agreeably low-budget found footage horror, Creep follows a videographer, Aaron (director Patrick Brice), who answers a job ad posted by Josef (Mark Duplass), which asks Aaron to film him over the course of his day.

Naturally things get weird very fast, and despite its lack of stylistic finesse, Creep manages to wring enormous amounts of suspense from the anxious tension of never being quite sure where it's going or what Josef's intentions are.

Mark Duplass is superb as Josef, playing the part just broadly enough to keep the guessing game fun, and regardless of the outcome, it's fair to say that Creep ends with a deeply unsettling jolt to the audience.

Making fantastic use of eerie quiet and the fair "realism" of the premise, this 77-minute experiment is one of the more under-appreciated found footage romps of recent years.

A most improbable sequel was also released last year, and somehow managed to live up to the squirm-inducing brilliance of its predecessor.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.