15 Images That Will Restore Your Faith In Upcoming Movies

1. Practical Effects - Star Wars: Episode VII

Why We're Worried: Star Wars Episode VII is the movie on this list most likely to be ruined for fans by their own ridiculous hype, which is naturally going to grow and grow and grow during the 18 months between now and its Christmas 2015 release date. Though J.J. Abrams is a fantastic choice for director, and the cast, combining young up-and-comers and series legends, is certainly promising, we can't help but worry that Abrams will simply struggle to recapture the Star Wars magic that was mostly absent from George Lucas' effects-heavy prequel trilogy. Why This Image Rocks: A few weeks ago, this picture landed from the movie's Abu Dhabi set, depicting a gigantic monster that apparently has to be controlled by five puppeteers who are situated inside the belly of the beast. While it might at first glance just seem like a cool snap of an awesome prop, it of course makes a much more important statement about the project moving forward, that rather than just opt for the (likely cheaper) CGI creature, Abrams truly is sticking to his word and attempting to create as many practical, in-camera effects as possible. For those of us devastated by how Lucas stripped the soul away from his own series through abusive use of visual effects, it's wholly heartening to see Abrams bringing back the magnificent organic effects, and saving the CGI for the moments that really need it. What do you make of these enticing images? How do you feel about these projects moving forward? Let us know in the comments!

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.