15 Images That Will Restore Your Faith In Upcoming Movies

2. Diabolus Rex? - Jurassic World

Why We're Worried: The Jurassic Park franchise crashed and burned in 2001 with the massively underwhelming Jurassic Park III, and it took almost 15 years for production to get started on the fourth film in the series, the soft reboot Jurassic World. Though the cast is undeniably promising, director Colin Trevorrow is a major wild card, given that his only significant feature credit to date is the entertaining (but low-fi) indie Safety Not Guaranteed. As we've said before, his pitch for Jurassic World must have been quite magnificent to land the gig over so many more experienced action directors who could surely have taken the job. Why This Image Rocks: Earlier this week, Trevorrow posted our first semi-glimpse at the dinosaurs from the movie, by way of a silhouetted image that has had fans feverishly debating which dinosaur it might be. Keen-eyed dino experts have already debunked the theory that it's the shadow of the movie's T-Rex, with most believing that it might be the Diabolus Rex, the new, genetically modified dinosaur created by the geneticists on the island. It may only be the slightest of teases, but we'd be lying if we said this didn't have us giddy with excitement, just like the very first time we ever saw the ripple in that glass of water...

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.