15 Incredibly Late Sequels That Took Decades To Arrive

1. Fantasia 2000 - 59 Years

The Previous Film: Fantasia (1940) The third film from Walt Disney Animation was probably the studio's biggest gamble ever. When Silly Symphonies short The Sorcerer's Apprentice ballooned in budget, Walt decided to bite the bullet and make a full-length showcase of the studio's animation paired with classical music. And it was gorgeous. Disappointing at the box office to begin with, subsequent rereleases have meant the risk more than paid off. The Late Sequel: Fantasia 2000 (1999) The idea of an updated Fantasia had been around for decades in various forms, but it was only in the early-nineties when things became concrete. Seven shorts, along with celebrity cameos in-between, were produced, including flying whales, a yo-yo obsessed flamingo and a Donald Duck version of Noah. You couldn't accuse it of not being varied. Was It Worth The Wait? Running fifty minutes shorter than the original and reusing the original The Sorcerer's Apprentice short, Fantasia 2000 felt like a facsimile of what had come before. What was there was good and the time gap had allowed for a higher quality and bigger variety in the animation, but it never exceeded the original. Which late sequels do you think were actually worth waiting all those years? Get to the comments and let us know.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.