15 Indie Horror Movies To Watch This Halloween

3. A Cure For Wellness

A Cure For Wellness
20th Century Fox

Gore Verbinski's latest film may have bombed at the box office and received mixed notices from critics, but it's pretty much the definition of a cult film that's already won itself a loyal legion of fans.

A Cure for Wellness is a little on the long side, yes, but it's a gorgeous, intoxicating descent into madness, following a young executive (Dane DeHaan) who is sent to the Swiss Alps to retrieve his company's CEO from an ornate rehab facility located there. Spoiler: bad stuff happens.

As Verbinski proved with his unexpectedly great 2002 remake of The Ring, he has a real knack for atmosphere and eerie visuals, with almost every single shot in this movie worthy of being framed and hung on a wall somewhere.

In addition, the ensemble cast is fantastic throughout (especially DeHaan, Mia Goth and Jason Isaacs), ensuring the audience rarely knows which way is up all the way through to the barmy conclusion.

It's not perfect, but it's ambitious, beautiful and a trip like nothing else released this year.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.